1. The general form of the product of Binomial may be obtained using FOIL method. What is
the meaning of Fin FOIL method?
a. Frequency
b. First
c. Fharenheit
d. figure
2. What SPECIAL PRODUCT having this general formula (a +b) (c + d)?
a. Product of a two binomial
b. square of binomial
c. cube of a binomial
d. product of the sum and difference of two terms
3. What SPECIAL PRODUCT expressed this way (a+b)2 (a+b)?
a. a. Product of a two binomial
b. square of binomial
b. c. cube of a binomial
d. product of the sum and difference of two terms
4. The general form of the product of Binomial may be obtained using FOIL method. What is
the meaning of Q in FOIL method?.
a. outer
b. outstanding
C. Over
d. out
5. What SPECIAL PRODUCT expressed this way (a+b)2 ?
a. a. Product of a two binomial
b. square of binomial
b. c. cube of a binomial
d. product of the sum and difference of two terms​