1. It is a set of activities that people engage in during free time - activities that are not work-oriented or that do not involve life maintenance tasks such as housecleaning or sleeping.

2 It refers to how often you involve yourself in regular physical activity or exercise. 3. It refers to how long you should engage in a specific physical activity

4. It refers to how hard you should exercise or the level of difficulty of your physical activity.

5. It refers to the kind of exercise or physical activity you should engage in 6. It is an imaginative, intrinsically motivated, non-serious, freely chosen, and actively engaging activity 7. It is an activity that people engage in during their free time, which people enjoy. People recognize it as

having socially redeeming values and generates a general sense of well-being. 8. It is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging to lose weight and maintain low body weight.

9. It is the consumption of large quantities of food to suppress negative emotions. 10. It is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation to lose and maintain very low body weight due to a false/distorted perception of being fat.​