Directions: Murple Choice. Pick out the etter of the correct answer
11. When the sperm cet ord egg cel ce joned together to fom o nas
a. embryo
b terza on
c reproduction
12. Another term used for sex celsis
c. embryo
c. zygotes
13. The time between the loving of egg una is hatching of the new one is
a. incubation
c. pregnancy
b. gestation
a sexual
14. The following statements are true with oviodrous animais except one.
a. They undergo incubation period.
b. They are bom as we young anima
c. The developing embryo within on egg gets nourishment from its yolk
d. They lay their eggs and continue their devetooment una hatching penod.
15. Which is correct about asexual reproductions
a. The ovary produces egg ce s.
b. No sex celis needed to form a new organism
C. Sex celis from male and female animals are needed
d. The embryo is soon developed as a young individuai.
16. The developed zygote is coled
a. embryo
C. ovary
d. testis
17. Which onimal undergoes external ferization?
a cat
b. Cow
d. Son
18. The following statements describe sexuoi reproduction. Which one is NOT?
a. The ovary produces egg cels.
b. No sex cell is needed to form a new organism.
c. Sex cells from male and female animals are needed
d. The embryo is soon developed as a young individual.
19. Which best defines internal fertilization?
a. Boin sex cells are released in water.
b. It is the initial phase in the sexual reproduction
c. The fertilized egg is nourishing from its yok.
d. The zygote is developing within the parent's body
20. Dogs, fish, and butterflies al undergo
a. asexual reproduction
c. Internal fertilization​