TRINIDADANDRAEGO TRINIDADANDRAEGO English Answered QUARTER PRE-TESTRead the following statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement describesConceptual Framework, and FALSE if not. Put your answer on the space providedbefore each item.__________ 1. Conceptual framework is a schematic diagram that shows wellordered elements of the research.__________ 2. Conceptual framework is a narrow outline or plan to give shape toyour research.__________ 3. One of the purposes of a conceptual framework is to explainobservations.__________ 4. Conceptual framework serves the purpose of clarifying conceptsand their relationships with one another in a research study.__________ 5. Conceptual framework explains the principles, generalizations, andresearch findings, which have some connection to your research.__________ 6. Choosing a topic is one preparation before you make yourconceptual framework.__________ 7. Going over relevant and updated studies related to your ownresearch is important before you make your Conceptual Framework.__________ 8. Paradigm of the Study has nothing to do with your ConceptualFramework.__________ 9. Paradigm is a pattern, model, or set of forms which containsgeneral elements.__________ 10. IV- DV Model stands for Inductive and Deductive Model.__________ 11. “Profile and roles of entrepreneurs are determined” is a sample ofProcess in the IPO Model.__________ 12. Conceptual Framework provides an explanation of an existingtheory and serves as the foundation of your research.__________ 13. A framework is comprised of one theory that servesas the building blocks of your research.__________ 14. Conceptual Framework enables the readers to obtain a generalunderstanding of the research.__________ 15. Input- Process- Output (IPO) is one sample of Conceptualframework