Activity 6: Subject and Objective Pronoun
DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence. Then
identify what kind of personal pronoun (subject or object) it is. Write your
answer on a separate paper. An example is done for you.

Father reminded (we, us) of our responsibilities.
Answer: us - objct pronoun

1. (1. Me) am the winner of the writing contest!

2. The fairy gave (he, him) three wishes.

3. (They, Them) came to the birthday party.

4. (She, Her) skates fast.

5. Mom read a story to (I, me).

6. The clown did a trick for (we, us).

7. The coach gave (them, they) a smile.

8. (We, Us) played a game of tennis.

9. The teacher gave (them, they) a treat.

10. My pet came with (I, me) to the park.

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