I will give 5 star and I will mark also BRAIN LIEST ANSWER to those who can answer without plagiarism or copied by internet. 3-5 sentences OWN OPINION -WOULD YOU KILL ONE PERSON TO SAVE FIVE?​ ​

I Will Give 5 Star And I Will Mark Also BRAIN LIEST ANSWER To Those Who Can Answer Without Plagiarism Or Copied By Internet 35 Sentences OWN OPINION WOULD YOU K class=

Sagot :

Yes. cause they were five lives you can save. but

if you dont saved them your too selfish cause you

have chance to save them .


for me yes


because even if it hurts and it is difficult to think that you have to sacrifice one person to save the five people, I will do what I know will save that five person, and if that person is also willing to really sacrifice himself, I will do it to save five people, even if it hurts to sacrifice one life