What I Have Learned
A. Please read the sentences carefully and fill in the missing word/s by writing your
answer on the lines provided.
1. A
is a proposition that relates two classes or categoriea.
is a deductive argument in which a conclusion is inferred
from two premises.
3. A
is an argument consisting of exactly three categorical
propositions (twa premises and a conclusion in which there appear a total of
exactly three categorical terms, each of which is used exactly twice.
4. The
of a categorical proposition is either universal or
5. The
of a categorical proposition is either affirmative or
6. Terms of the Categorical Syllogism
is the predicate of the conclusion,
is the subject term of the conclusion
is the term that appears in both premises but not in the
7. Parts of the Categorical Syllogism
contains the major term.
contains the minor term.
8. The
of a ontegorical syllogism consists of the letter names
of the propositions that make it up. Moods are defined as the arrangement of
the premises according to quantity (universal or particular) and quality
(affirmative or negative). In other words, we can say that mood is determined
by the type of standard forma categorical propositions of the syllogism contains.
9. The
of a categorical syllogism is determined by the location
of the two occurrences of the middle term in the premises. Four different
arrangements are possible. If we let S represent the subject of the conclusion
(minor terra), P the predicate of the conclusion (major term), and Mthe middle
term, and leave out the quantifiers and copulas, the four possible
arrangements may be illustrated as follows:​

Sagot :


1.  Categorical Proposition

2. Syllogism

3. Categorical syllogism

4. quantity

5. quality

6. major term, minor term, middle term

7. major premise, minor premise

8. mood

9. figure

10. 4x64=256, 15, 9

Step-by-step explanation:

This is our previous lesson, btw there is number 10 so I answered it.

This terms are already in the module make sure to read and check it.