Write an observation of freezing and refrigeration​

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It should be noted that the decision to stop inspiring and expiring can be made voluntarily. We can all breathe more quickly or slowly at will and it is difficult not to alter the rate of breathing when you know that your breathing is being watched.

It is best to take the breathing rate when you check the pulse so that you can do it unobtrusively, or do it when the person is asleep.

To take the respiration unobtrusively, when you finish taking the pulse, leave your fingers on the person's wrist and raise your eyes so that you can see the chest wall rising and falling. The person will not be aware that you are counting his respiration rate as he will think you are still counting his pulse rate.

Use a watch and count the rate for a full minute. One breathe is make up of both 1 inspiration and 1 expiration.

When noting the respiration rate, you should also note its character, particularly its depth and regularity (rhythm), as well as noting the discomfort which may be apparent.

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