ADRIAN03ESTEROGO ADRIAN03ESTEROGO Art Answered TRUE OR FALSE1. Batic is an ancient art that has been handed down for thousands of years.2. Philippines art reflects the diverse cultural influences and traditions of its society since it is inhabited by different ethnic group.3. Philippines is divided in to three islands named luzon, visayas, mindanao.4. Batic is an exclusive artistic cultural heritage of the Maranao of Lanao Philippine.5. The predominantly geometric female is okir-a-bai.6. athe predominantly curvilinear male is okir-a-dato.7. Philippines is one of the countries in Southeast Asia 8. Batic originated in Thailand.9. Mindanao is home different ethnic group such as Lumads, Maranao, amd Tausog.10. Batic related to a Hindu word "titik"