DIRECTIONS: Observe the illustration below. List down at least 10, volcanic hazards shown in an erupting
volcano and describe briefly its possible dangers/harms to the surroundings.
Example: Acid rain - is formed when sulfur dioxide gas reacts with water droplets in the atmosphere which causes
corrosion and harms vegetation.​

Sagot :



1. ERUPTION COLUMN- Is a cloud of super heated ash and tephra suspended in gases emitted during an explosive volcanic eruption.

2. LAVA FLOWS- Non-fragmented magma ( a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock).

3. LAVA DOME- Is a circular mound-shaped protrusion resulting from the slow extrusion of vircous lava from the volcano.

4. MAGMA-Is found beneath the surface of the earth and evidence of magmatism has also been discovered on other terrestrial planets and some natural sateclites

5. Fumaroles-Are openings in the earth surface the emitted steam and volcanic gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide.

6. PYROCLASTIC FLOW-Is a dense fast moving flow of solidified lava pieces,volcanic ash and hot gases.

7. LANDSLIDE(DEBRIS AVALANCHE)-Is the sudden catastrophic collapse (landslide) from an unstable side of a volcano.

8.GROUNDWATER-Is the water present beneath earth surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations.

9. LAHAR/MUD OR DEBRIS FLOW-Are volcanic mudflows and they do not have to come directly from volcanic activity.

10. BOMBS-Is a mass of molten rock larger than 64mm in diameter formed when a volcano ejects viscous fragment of lava during an eruption.