1. Label the flower parts. Choose the letter of your answer on the word bank at the left. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
a. Style - slender stalk that holds the stigma in
place; connects the stigma to the ovary
b. Stigma - tip of the pistil that receives pollen
grains during pollination
c. Stamen - consist of the anther and the filament
7. d. Anther - produces pollen grains which contain
the male sex cells; stores pollen in pollen sacs
e. Ovules - carry female sex cells; become the seed
On Emine Se after fertilization has taken place
f. Ovary - enlarged base of the pistil which
contains the ovules; becomes the fruit
g. Filament -thin tube which hold the anther up
h. Pistil - (carpel) female sex organ of the flower