(TRUE or FALSE) 1. Skilled multimodal composition requires author to have knowledge of the subject or field of the text, textual knowledge of how to best convey meaning through the text. out. 2. Genre concerns how we can bring meaning in different ways in the text. 3. There our times that we use several modes at a time. This is what we call the normal texts. 4. Semiotic knowledge concerns about the social function and context in which a text is produced and used, and how the text is organized and presented to meet a specific social purpose (Martin, 2008). 5. Like writing, successful multimodal composition includes consideration of purpose, audience, and text type (for example: to entertain, inform, or persuade). 6. Knowledge about the machines such as computer are you necessary in making digital multimeter texts. 7. Multimodal text cannot be delivered via different media or technologies. They may be live, paper, or digital electronic. 8. Poster, storyboards, oral presentations, slideshows, digital stories, newspaper, and vlogs (video log/we usually see this in YouTube), etc. are examples off multimodal texts. 9. Multimodal authors also need to be able to create tivoli combine different modes in various strategic arrangement throughout the text. 10. Mode, in general is a collection of words or letters that we understandable by the reader.