A. Directions: Identify if the policy or regulation are practice at home, Community and school.
Write H if it is at home, C for community or S for school in the space provided.
1. Join activities that are aimed to help make the barangay clean and healthy.
2. Do not throw wastes and garbage in public places
3. Throw garbage and wastes in trash cans.
4. Help in cleaning classrooms, corridors and school grounds.
5. Buy only nutritious foods and drinks.
6. Segregate garbage and wastes.
7. Clean your yard everyday.
8. Cook just enough food for the family
9. Have a garage sale for your old things.
10. Put potted plants at home.
11. Do not vandalize room or faculty properties.
12. Return lost items to the guidance office.
13. Participate actively in the school disaster preparedness progress and activities.
14. Join organizations or clubs that help make the school a healthy place to learn ar
productive things.
15. Respect your teachers, schoolmates, and other school personnel​