Choose the ether of the correct answer and write it on the blank before each number
Grade 1 -
1. Which of the following describe a tropical rainfores?
A Woodlands composed mostly of all all tress
B. Trees that grow along the coast
c. rainforest of the sea
2. It is the top layer of the rain foresi
D. residential area
A Floor forest
3. The understory is the
B. understory
c. subcanopy
D. cano
A Floor forest
B. shady lower C. top layer
0. below the cando
4. What will happen if deforestation will not stop?
A. The rainforest will not be denuded. B. More trees will gror
8. Flood will be prevented D. There might be no mere rainforests in the Philippines after 15 years
5. It is also called the rainforest of the sea
A Tropical rainforest
D. rice field
C. coral reefs
B. mangrove swamps
6. They are underwater stands of living coral animals that grow fairly close to the shore.
A Canopy
B. atolls c fringing reels D. barrier reels
7. They are trees that grow along the coast and their roots form breeding grounds of many fishes.
A Mango
B. Mangrove
C. Ferns D. Mosses
8. Why mangrove can tolerate salty water?
C. It does not need water to grow and survive
A Their roots can filter out the salts
D. It does not have roots
B. They need salty water to live
9. They are called lungs of the planet.
C. rainforest
D. ocean floor
A Coral reefs B. Mangrove swamps
10. They are the first line defense for coastal communities.
D. ocean floor
B. Mangroves C. rainforest
A Coral reefs
Matching Type. Match column A with column B.​