1. It is a device that persuades you to avail the product or service because of the negative image it creates against another productor service. 2. You are attracted to use a product or join an activity because “everyone” is doing it. 3. It uses unfamiliar or highly technical terms to impress, confuse or deceive consumers or audience. It does not really explain how it is connected with what is being promoted. 4. You are convinced to use a product because it is endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality. 5. You are encouraged to use a product because it is what Generality “folks at home” are using. This uses ordinary people as endorsers to show that the product is being used by usual persons. 6. It scares or frightens consumers so that they will either Jargon patronize or avoid the product or service. 7. You give in because you are overwhelmed by Fear vague, sweeping statements that usually come in slogans or simple catch phrases. 8. it uses either pleasant or hideous sounds to either lure Words or drive people away from something.
B A. Bandawagon B. Plain Folks C. Testimonial D. Name Calling E. Glittering F. Technical G. Appeal to H. Powerful