prayer for someone you've never met​

Sagot :

dear god,

guide this person. help this person uppen when had been sadden i want to make a smile to peson i don't know please make her/hin happy. everyones a pleasure in this world but most doesn't know please let her know she's/he's beautifuly made and he/she whenever she feels unsure of herself please don't let her/him get through a situation of not knowing who she/he is let him/she know she has worth because most people nowadays had sadness, sadness which can cause depression and can possibly cause self harm. please make them realize something in life and hit them something that they need to chabge for the better. i want to make people happy but i don't have a power to do that atleast to make their day and hopefulky their okay as for a fact i am scared for the people around me because we us don't know when or what time we'll die so let them spend a life could be.I just wanna see happy faces around me and them to be happy.