1. A person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.
A. Buyer
B Seller C. Entrepreneur
D. Consumer
2. Persons organizations who agree to purchase finished products or services.
A. Buyers
B. Sellers C. Entrepreneurs
D. Consumer
3. Persons or group of persons who transfer goods and services to the buyers in exchange
for money,
A. Buyers
B. Sellers C. Entrepreneurs
D. Consumer
4. A type of an entrepreneur that offers products and services with the overall intention of
creating social good.
A. The Social Entrepreneur
c. The Serial Entrepreneur
B. The Lifestyle Entrepreneur
D. The Solopreneur
5. A type of entrepreneur that operates alone and manages all aspects of the business.
A. The Social Entrepreneur
The Serial Entrepreneur
B. The Lifestyle Entrepreneur
D. The Solopreneur
6. It is something that is manufactured following a process, or grown and nurtured in order
to be sold for a profit.
A. Service
B. Product
C. Business D. Invention
7. It is a facility supplying a public or market demand.
A. Service
B.) Product
C. Factory
D. Laboratory​