Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. Brine Dehydrator Preservative Salted fish Smoked fish Enzymes Microorganisms Moisture Packing Salt 1. a mixture of salt and water. 2. a mechanical device used to lower the moisture content of the fish under controlled conditions 3. refers to a substance added to food to prevent its spoilage and maintain its freshness. Example: Salt, vinegar and smoke. 4. a product prepared from whole, eviscerated or split fish treated with salt. 5. a product prepared from whole, eviscerated or split fish treated with salt and subjected to smoke produced by combustion of wood or other smoking materials 6. endogenic bio - proteins which are naturally present in the digestive tract of living organisms that hasten digestion. 7. minute living organisms like bacteria, yeasts and molds which cause spoilage of the fish. 8. refers to the water content of a fish, 9. filling the cured fish into a packaging material. 10. a colorless or white crystalline compound known chemically as Sodium chloride (NaCl) occurring abundantly in nature, both in solid or liquid form. Pls help me