the letter of the correct answer.
1. A mother is a protector, disciplinarian and friend. She is selfless, loving human
who must sacrifice many of her wants and needs for the wants and needs of her children.
She works hard to make sure her child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities
to make it as a competent human being.
a. Description
b. sequence c. problem & solution
d. cause & effect
2. Families in China and the United States are alike in some ways and different in
others. Many American households include just their parents and children. But Chinese
households often include many other family members. Most Chinese families have only
one child however, American families often have two or three children.
Problem & solution b. descriptionc. compare & contrast d. sequence
3. Grandpa woke up and couldn't find his eyeglasses. He asked Grandma for help.
a sequence b. description c. cause & effect
d. problem & solution
4. When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.
a. Cause & effect
b. compare & contrast
c. sequence d. description
5. Steps on how to make paper boat
1. Fold an 8.5 in x11 inches (21.5 cm x 28 cm) sheet paper in a half.
2. Unfold the paper, rotate it 90 degrees and fold it in a half again.
3. Flip the paper so that the fold open toward you,
4. Bring the bottom of the paper up to fold it against both sides.
5. Take the bottom corners and fold them in.
a. Sequence b. cause & effect c.description​