Sagot :
Active volcano
Ash and dust
– a volcano that has erupted recently and is expected to erupt again.
– fine material thrown out by a volcano.
– the central part of the earth.
– a roughly circular opening at the summit of a volcano.
active volcano | volcanic words | volcano vocabulary
Mount Fuji in Japan.
Dormant volcano
Extinct volcano
– the thin layer of the earth.
– a volcano that has erupted in the last 2,000 years but not recently.
– a sudden movement, or termor, of the earth’s crust.
– a volcano that is not expected to erupt again.
– a natural danger to people and their property and way of life. Hazards include earthquakes, storms, drought and floods.
This lava flow has buried a road in Hawaii.
volcanic words | volcano vocabulary | ks3 geography
Magma chamber
Natural hazard
Plate boundary
– molten rock (magma) that usually flows from the crater of an active volcano
- molten rock below the earth’s surface.
– where molten rock is found deep below the earth’s surface.
– a great force of nature, such as an earthquake, flood or storm, which is a threat or danger to people and their way of life.
- the place where plates meet on the earth’s surface and where most of the world’s earthquakes occur and volcanoes may be found.
– large sections of the earth’s crust.
A destructive plate boundary.
volcanic words | volcano vocabulary
Richter scale
‘Ring of fire’
Volcanic bombs
– a scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake.
– A circle of active volcanoes found around the edge of the Pacific Ocean.
– An instrument used to measure the strength of an earthquake.
– an opening in the earth’s crust through which material is forced upwards during a volcanic eruption.
– Large rocks fragments thrown out by an erupting volcano.
– a cone-shaped mountain or hill often made up lava and ash.
A lava flow.
volcanic words | volcano vocabulary