TRIESHALYNCHANGCHANGGO TRIESHALYNCHANGCHANGGO Math Answered I Complete the sentences Choose your answer from the box below.Similar fractionsfraction bar denominator⅔,⅗⅚,⅞dissimilar fractionsbottomwhole24numerator121 Fraction is a part of a _____.2. Fractions having the same denominators are called _____.3. Fractions having different denominators are called _____.4. The part of a fraction that tells how many pieces there is from a whole is called _____.5. The denominator of a fraction is seen on the _____part.6. The two parts of a fraction are separated by a line called the _____.7. The LCM of 6 and 8 is _____.8. The LCD of 4 and 6 is _____.9. _____ are examples of similar fractions.10. _____ are examples of dissimilar tractions.