create a speech regarding what you feel during this pandemic (300 words) including your introduction, body and conclusion.​

Sagot :


What I felt is Afraid, I am afraid because the virus doesn't choose anyone who should be infected even if you rich or poor you can still be infected, And the doctors at first are not appreciated people even think that they are disgusting what they don't know their life is on the line just to save the Philippines they don't see it at first but now everyone is praying just for the covid virus to end and I thank you all the doctors the nurses that they did their very best to save our country I hope their bravery will be on our history all their efforts will be paid in the end. We can all pass through this I expect that our normal life will be the change of our country that our country now will be clean and pleasing to come by And I wish tomorrow will be the day that the Covid virus may now end and let us have a responsible president in our country But on the brighter side I am happy that I can bond with my family we can go through difficult times together as a stronger bond family what I realized is it is very hard for my parents to work because of no work no pay I seemed them work so hard for us to eat and drink every day. Even if their's so many things to do and hard to balance household chores and Online Classes and Performance tasks, we still keep moving forward in life. I Know we all got through difficult times but it's okay to be down but what is not okay is to not stand up again what we should do is stand up and walk our paths so we can grow more and love more our mother earth and each other.