What's More
Activity 3: Fact or Fallacy
Direction: Draw a star if the information given is factual and draw triangle if it is not.Draw your answer on the space provided before each number.
____1. The effect of family size associates in the responsibilities of parenthood.
____2. It has many advantages of the smaller size of family rather than on the bigger
____3. Bigger family size compose of one child only
____4. Couples can be families without having children.
____5. Malnutrition has an impact on the bigger family size.
____6. Smaller families are prone to infection and parasites infestations.
____7. One of the effects of family size on health is being polite.
____8. No worries on parenthood even you have a bigger family size,
____9. Single parent families have one parent and at least one child.
____10. Children on smaller family size are heavier, healthier and happier.​