Match the parts of the flower in Column A to its description in Column B. Write the
letter of your answer on the space provided.
________1. Anther A. traps the pollen
________2. Filament B. contains the pollen sacs
________3. Ovary C. holds and supports the anther upward
________4. Petals D. the male reproductive part of the flower
________5. Pistil E. holds and supports the flowers together
________6. Receptacle F. the female reproductive part of the flower
________7. Sepals G. the stalk that connects the stigma to ovary
________8. Stamen H. contains the female reproductive cell called

________9. Stigma I. the green petal-like leaves that support the

flower when it is still a bud

________10. Style J. the most attractive part of the flowers that

helps the plant in reproduction