Identify the word being described. Choose your answer from the words
inside the box.
name calling
1. It is the spreading of ideas to convince people to believe to do or to buy something
2. It is a written or printed notice intended to make something known to the public
3. They use propaganda to make their products attractive
4. It uses the words of a famous person to persuade the buyers
5. It is an appeal to follow the crowd to join in because others are doing it as well
6. It is a method of propaganda that is an attempt to turn people against an opponent or
an idea by using unpleasant labels or descriptions for that person or idea
7. Do you wake up with Chocolate? Start your morning off right with Chocolate The nich
smell of Chocolate... Chocolate... try some today!
8. It is an attempt to make the subject view a certain item in the same way as they view
another item. It is used to transfer negative feelings for one object to another
9. It creates a sense of camaraderie between the speaker and his audience which helps
build a belief in the idea,
10.It only focuses on best features and leaves out or lies about problems.