Directions: Identify the following sentences. Arrange the jumbled letter and write the
correct answer on the blank
(TONELICAPI OLWF) it is actually an Etruscan sculpture associated with
Roman art.
(NDGAR NUHT) a large floor mosaic found in the villa at Piazza Armerina,
(ISCOSMA) depict scenes from everyday life and athletes in various poses.
(ETCURTEICARH) they continued the development of the Greek Classical
(MARON STAR) it is that they often borrowed from, and copied Greek
(TURESCULP) Gothic is much more animated and lifelike.
(THGIO) The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is one of the best-know
Cathedrals in the world.
(ATHIZESPME) our staff and volunteers are from the community they
(FYLTEIXLIIB) through stretching activities, the length of muscles, tendons,
and ligaments is increased.
(WERPO) is the product of speed and strength. Lots of sports require
power, including high jumping, throwing and kicking, and smashing in
tennis and badminton.
(SITYOBE) is an excessive increase of body fat.
(THGIEWREVO) Weight in excess of the average for an individual's height.
(DIEVALME PDEORI) they not help much in solving the immediate
problems of notating, reading, classifying and singing plainchant, and
and other vinds of early nolynhony
39. Flexthey
41. Obesity