3. Celing, wife of Kulas, was jealous about Kulas being an addict to cockfighting.

4. A man named Sioning was a middleman in the cockpit.

5. Celing always lend twenty pesos to his husband as a bet in the cockfight.

6. Kulas dreamt of a white dog which means money is coming to him.

7. Kulas dreamt about a snake that coiled itself into a figure eight.

8. Kulas also dreamt of a red cat.

9. Siona is a friend of celling.

10. Teban is an old man and a servant of Kulas and ceiling.

11. Celling commanded teban to bet on Kulas's opponent to get the money Kulas spent in the sabong.

12. Sioning taught Kulas some technique on how to win in a fight in a way cheating.