1. It came from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud.
A. Asteroids B. Meteors C. Comets D. All of these
2. What celestial (space) objects can a meteoroid come
A. From the Earth's surface and atmosphere.
B. From blackhole and wormhole.
C. From the fragments comets, asteroids, the Moon, &
D. From different planets.
3. Which is TRUE about asteroids?
A. They are rocky objects that revolve around the Sun
between Mars and Jupiter.
B. They are left over pieces of the solar system that never
came together to form a planet.
C. Neither A nor B
D. both A and B
4. What is the major difference of a comet and asteroid?
A. Their origin or where they came from in space.
B. Their gases from their tail
C. The way they entered in the Earth's atmosphere.
D. None of these
5. One similarity between asteroids, comets and
meteoroids is
A. they are all made of rocks
B. they all come from the Asteroid Belt
C. they all come from the Oort Cloud
D. form from gases
