Sagot :
Verb Phrase Examples
*She was walking quickly to the mall.
*He should wait before going swimming.
*Those girls are trying very hard.
*Ted might eat the cake.
*You must go right now.
*You can't eat that!
*My mother is fixing us some dinner.
*Words were spoken.
Examples of Verb Phrase
I was singing a modern song yesterday.
They were playing soccer.
I was helping him to do the work.
Jeff will go to watch the movie.
I am writing articles on various topics.
Dana is coming to participate in the program tomorrow.
Bob will perform in the dancing contest.
I sang different kinds of songs on the game show.
We are going to the Cineplex to watch a movie.
Alex will prepare the plan for the project.
They were playing football in that field.
The minister is coming to attend the program.
The police are trying to find the criminal.
The mother is taking her child to the school.
Jeffry is going out for a vacation.
Samantha will participate in the debate contest.
Alana is waiting for the flight for a long time.
They will come to meet us tomorrow.
Sam is studying in his room.
Lisa has designed the banner of the program.
Phrases ba?