TEST A. Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your answer. 1. It is the "executable" phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications. A. Web 1.0 'B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Website 2. It is the "writable" phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Website 3. It is the “readable" phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. A Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Website 4. The integration of text, graphics, sound and video into a single unit. A. Interactive B. Multimedia C. GUI D. Rich User Experience 5. What does WYSIWYG means? A. what you show is what you get C. what you share is what you get B. what you search is what you get D. what you see is what you get 6. It is an online petition platform that allows the online community to create or sign petitions. A. Weebly B. Pinterest C. Change.org D. Better.net did EDSA Dos take place?