1. It is the difference in the quality of sound between a guitar and
a drum.​

Sagot :


The difference in the quality of sound between a guitar and

a drum I've noticed that the discussions that take place between drummers and their instruments are vastly different than what goes on with a lot of guitar players.

There seems to be a certain level of connoisseurism that some people get lost in when discussing the tiniest changes in tone from pedal to pedal, differences in strings, picks, tubes and every other variable with guitar gear. Some guys are willing to pay over $1600 for a Klon Centaur overdrive pedal that many use as a clean boost to goose their amp a little more. There's a massive boutique industry centered around people's "tone quest" in their attempt to find a holy grail tone.

The point of me bringing this up isn't to slam or poke fun at guitar players. If somebody enjoys that stuff, more power to them! My point is to ask the question, why doesn't this take place in the drumming community?

Drums are just as (or sometimes more) important to a band mix than any other instrument. A snare drum will make or break a recording. Yet, people aren't spending months researching a special secret alloy mix that gives drummers the most mojo. There is no boutique drum stick that claims to give you the secret to Buddy Rich's sound. In fact, the general consensus seems to be "if the drum is decent, you can play and you can tune, it'll sound good."