DLIES TIONSTRANSI 2 These are motion effects that happen during Slide Show when you move from one slide to the next
CTEFFE IONSTPO 3 To change the properties of the transition effect that you have chosen, you must click this option to the TRANSITION TO THIS SLIDE group.
RADITION 4 To set how fast the transition goes, enter a time at in the Timing group
MAANITINSOS .5Are motion effects to text, pictures or shapes on the slides, INGBEDDEM 6 Means stonng the files in the presentation itself
PERKUINHY 7 is used to create a link in your presentation for quick access to webpages and files online or within your computer
TOIACN TONSTUB 8. Are built-in button shapes which you can use to perform some other actions like linking or playing a sound
OWSDWINIEMOV KERMA 9 Is a freeware video editing software by Microsoft
BORYARDSTO 10 Is where you can look at the sequence of the clips as well as the video effects that you have added