Sagot :
Rubab, robab or rabab is a lute-like musical instrument originating from Afghanistan. The rubab is one of the national musical instruments of Afghanistan and other areas inhabited by the Pashtun and Baloch people.It proliferated throughout West, Central, South and Southeast Asia. It derives its name from Arabic rebab 'played with a bow'; in Central Asia, however, the instrument is plucked and is distinctly different in construction.
The bandurria is a plucked chordophone from Spain, similar to the mandolin, primarily used in Spanish folk music, but also found in former Spanish colonies. The modern bandurria has 12 strings (6 pairs). The strings are tuned in unison pairs, going up in fourths from the low G#. The lowest four strings are a major-third above those of a standard guitar and the highest two strings are a fourth above a standard guitar, i.e. G♯, c♯, f♯, b, e and a.