I- Read carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Write "five hundredths" in decimal notation.
a. 500
b. 0.500
C. 0.5
d. 0.05

2. Write 0.79 in words.
a. seventy-nine
b. seven and nine tenths
c. seventy-nine hundredths
d. seven and nine hundredths

3. Write 5 ones, 3 tenths and 6 hundredths as decimal.
a. 0.536
b. 3.56
C. 5.36
d. 53.06

4. Which of the following is the same as "four and seven hundredths"
a. 4.07
b. 4.70
C. 4.700
d. 0.47

5. What is the largest two-digit decimal number that you can form using , 1,2 and 3?
a. 32.1
b. 3.21
C. 3.12
d. 0.312

6. Give the value of the digit 7 in 34.17.
a. 70
č. 7 tenths
b. 7
d. 7 hundredths

7. Give the digits in ones place and hundredths place in the number 3.354.
a. 3,5
c. 5,3
b. 3.
4 d. 4,3

8. What is the standard form of three and six hundredths?
a. 3.6
c. 3.006
b. 3.06
d. 0.36

9. In 6.352, what place value is the digit 5 in?
b. ones
c. hundredths
c. tenths
d. thousandths

10. In 236.4791, which digit is in the hundredths place?
C. 6
b. 7
d. 2
a, 9​