how to save river ecosystem​

Sagot :


1. Use less water

One of the biggest threats to water quality comes from aging infrastructure. Cities across the nation are dealing with sewer systems that are literally falling apart.

In some places, these systems date back to the time of the Civil War. Every time you flush your toilet or leave the water running while you’re brushing your teeth, it increases the load on your sewer system. Conserve water.

It also lowers the burden on sewage treatment plants.

2. Keep your car repaired

We all see those oil spots on driveways and parking lots. When oil leaks from our cars it is eventually sent down storm drains and ends up in the watershed. If your car has sprung an oil leak, get it fixed.

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Also, be careful while adding oil and make sure any used oil is properly recycled.

3. Use organic gardening techniques

In the same way that dripping automotive oil ends up in the watershed, so does a large amount of the fertilizers and pesticides you use in your garden.

This causes rivers and lakes to get a huge dose of nitrogen which makes algae grow abnormally.