a controlling sentences about the topic "why eating meat is bad for us; become vegetarian or vegan because vegetarians"

Sagot :

"why eating meat is bad for us; become vegetarian or vegan because vegetarians"

→  Because ‘meat’ is the body of an animal who was tortured, mutilated, stolen from their mother and likely forced to live and sleep in their own feces for their entire short life until the day they where carted off to the slaughterhouse where their short life was brutally ended. The pigs have been genetically modified to grow over a dozen times faster then normal, which promotes disease, illness and the growth of excruciating tumors and bodily defects. In the case of chickens, they’re bodies have been genetically modified to the point that they grow 300x faster then normal - their bones shatter under the weight of their flesh because it grows so abnormally fast. The idea of eating the body of a child like animal makes me gag, and thats the case for most veggo’s i imagine.

There’s also a health and environmental side too, but the health side is totally irrelevant, because even if there was no health issue with causing harm to animals, there is still no justification for causing harm to animals and the planet and other humans < (see the 5th paragraph for clarification) with your food choices when there are equally healthy and perfectly adequate plant alternatives. (most of the population supplements vitamin D and the entire population supplements b12, because the animals are fed b12 supplements.)

Animals start decomposing the moment they die, just like humans. Whenever you eat the body part of an animal, that body part is decomposing in your intensities, causing horrible IBS - IBS suppresses the serotonin receptors in your brain, causing low mood. All animal products, especially rotting flesh, contain high amounts of fat, and high amounts of cell and blood oxidant substances and inflammatory substances (TMAO and heme-iron), which promotes lethargy, brain deterioration, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The list of health problems caused by animal products goes further then that, into iron overload, calcium overload, protein overload, artery paralysis and increased aging.

Animal agriculture is destroying the planet, there are 50–100 billion land animals on the planet at any given time, land had to and still has to be destroyed to house all of them. Land had to and still has to be destroyed to make the slaughterhouses to brutally kill them all in. Millions of acres of land are being wiped off of the plant every year to create crop land to feed all of the animals, rather then feeding the 9,000,000 people starving to death every year. The oceans are almost empty of fish at this point, and all the rest of the sea creatures will follow when the fish are gone. The pollution in the ocean and the air from all of the factories made by animal agriculture makes up over a 3rd of the worlds pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Vegetarians follow their diets for several reasons: a belief it is healthier, a personal uneasiness about eating animals because of factory farming methods, and many because it makes them feel they are better people than those who eat meat. There is no moral high ground in abstaining from meat.