MATHEMATICS PARt 1 Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1) Which of the following is a factor of 96? A) 24 and 4 b) 12 and 8 c) 2 and 48 2) Which of the following is NOT a multiple of 12? A) 24 b) 48 c) 73 3) Which of the following is the factor of 35? A) 1,5,7,35 b) 1,2,5,7 c) 1,3,5, 12 4) Which of the following is the multiple of 5? A) 10,15,25,30 b) 6,9,11,13 c) 5,9,14,19 5) 18 is a factor of 54 because it A) "is greater than" c) "divides evenly" B) "is less than" d) multiples d) 1,5,9,12 d) 5,12,24,35