10. Does the word "alter" in Line 20 convey something positive or negative? Discuss briefly

please help me assesment yan nmin sa english need kopo tulong​

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Double negatives are two negative words used in the same sentence. Using two negatives usually turns the thought or sentence into a positive one. Double negatives are generally discouraged in English because they are considered to be poor grammar and they can be confusing. However, they are sometimes used in everyday casual speech and you'll find many examples in popular song lyrics.

To better understand why you should generally try to avoid these sorts of sentence constructions, here are several examples of double negatives that illustrate how they can be confusing or sound nonsensical.

That won't do you no good.

I ain't got no time for supper.

Nobody with any sense isn't going.

I can't find my keys nowhere.

She never goes with nobody.

John says he has not seen neither Alice or Susan all day.

I didn't steal nothing.

He ain't never told no lies.

You can't see no one in this crowd.

There aren't no presents left to open.

The secret cave didn't have none of the treasures they wanted.

All the witnesses claimed that didn't see nothing.

The pilot can't find no place to land.

He did not mention neither the deposit nor the rate.

There is no way you can do nothing about this.

He doesn't have nothing but the clothes on his back.

We haven't never seen a tornado that big.

It ain't right to not paint the house.

You shouldn't do nothing to the house.

The hospital won't allow no more visitors.

I don't have nobody to mow my lawn.

That attitude won't get you nowhere.

After the nose job, she didn't want no one to see her.

The star couldn't sing no more after the matinee performance.

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