15 farming tools with uses and meanings​

Sagot :


1.Bolo 6. Shovel 11.HandCultivator

2.Crowbar 7. Rake 12.Hand Fork

3.Pick-mattock 8. Spading Fork 13.PruningShears

4.Grab-hoe 9. Light Hoe 14.Axe

5.Spade 10. Hand Trowel 15.Knife


1. Bolo

A Bolo is a knife-like instrument mainly used as a cutting tool. It is usually used for clearing vegetation, cutting tall weeds and grasses, and for chopping branches of trees.

2. Crowbar

Also called a wrecking bar, a crowbar is mainly used for digging holes. It is also used for digging out stones and stumps. It can also be used as a lever handgrip.

3. Pick-mattock

This is a common gardening and landscaping instrument. It is a handy tool that is used for digging and breaking stones.

4. Grab-hoe

A grab-hoe helps to brake hard topsoil. It is also used to crush hard soil smoothly.

5. Spade

A spade is used for removing soil or trash. It can also be used for digging.

6. Shovel

With the help of the shovel, one can quickly remove any trash, dig, move, and mix the soil. There are different types of shovels for specific functions.

Some of them are the round digger shovel, post hole shovel, and trench shovel.

7. Rake

A rake is like a broom but made with metal. It is a farming tool used for clearing fields and gathering weeds, hay, etc.

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8. Spading fork

It is used for digging out roots, loosening soil and turning materials in a compost heap.

9. Light hoe

A light-hoe is used for levelling and loosening soil. It is also used for digging furrows for planting.

10. Hand trowel

Hand trowels are used for loosening the soil around plants.

11. Hand cultivator

This is a simple garden instrument used for cultivating garden plots and removing weeds.

12. Hand fork

Hand forks are used for loosening hard soil, and lifting, turning and mixing compost with the soil. They are used for removing weeds and lifting and transplanting plants and seedlings.

They are also used for aerating soil.

13. Pruning shears

Pruning shears are also called pruning scissors. They are sharp, heavy-duty scissors that are used for cutting branches of trees and plant stems.

14. Axe

It is used for cutting wood and big branches of trees.

15. Knife

It is a universal tool for cutting.

Answer: 1.Rake, 2.Shovel, 3.Wheelbarrow, 4.Harvester, 5.Harrow, 6.Motocultor, 7.Machete, 8.Plow Tractor, 9.Sprinkler and 10.Baler

Explanation:1. to loosen and level the ground

2. to dig the soil

3. intended to be pushed and guided by a single person, use in regular on the construction site on the farm.

4. ability to work and precision to harvest

5.used to make wrinkles and level the ground

6.produces a medium power for carryout agricultural and ornament duties.

7.use for mowing the grass, cutting or pruning the plant or working

8. used to open furrows in the land of cultivation

9 used to water farm products, yards, etc.

10. used for removing soil, opening ditches, transporting products, elimination weeds, etc.