_____________4. I am twice as wide as the small intestine where the absorption of water occurs. Who am I?
_____________4. I am twice as wide as the small intestine where the absorption of water occurs. Who am I?
_____________5. I am an organ of digestion where the absorption of nutrients occurs. Who am I?
II. Directions: Match the meaning in Column A to the word it describes in Column B. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided.

Column A Column B
_____6. The organ system that is responsible for a. nephrons
eliminating wastes from the body b. kidneys
_____7. The control unit of the body which integrates and c. Respiratory System
coordinates bodily activities d. Nervous System
_____8. The system which takes charge of breathing processes e. Excretory System
_____9. Bean-shaped organs and the main excretory organs of the body f. Digestive System
_____10. Filtering units inside the kidneys g. larynx
_____11. It has three main parts: cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem h. lungs
_____12. A wire-like organ that is found all over the body i. spinal cord
_____13. A cord-like material inside the backbone j. neuron
_____14. A pair of spongy, air-filled organs located at either k. brain
side of the chest
_____15. Also known as voice box