compair and contrast south african culture and filipino culture using venn diagram.​

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compair and contrast south african culture and filipino culture using venn diagram.


compair and contrast south african culture and filipino culture using venn diagram.


Comparison (Compare)




The similarities between African and Filipino culture are that both had colonial masters who heavily influenced their societies. Both cultures have agricultural based economy. Poverty and corruption are rampant in both societies. Basic infrastructure is lacking in both cultures.


Most countries in Africa have black-brownish color of their people. But the countries in the Saharan place have people whose colors are lighter. For Asia, you will typically is tannish, or brownish, but it depends on the country

Culture. Notice that there is a whole diversity in both continents, Asia and Africa. All of the cultures have different cultures, because logic.

Climate. Should you ask me about the climate of the whole continent, it actually varies, depending on the country you were in. However, since Africa is not too low to reach Antartica, all the countries’ average temperature will not reach below 0 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, Saharan countries that are above the equator will experience a bit cooler than the Sub-Saharan countries.