Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter
that corresponds to the correct answer, on your answer sheet.
1. Separation of family members. This is a harmful-effect to:
a. family
b. self
c. school d. community
2. What is the effect of drugs to school?
a. Ignored duties and responsibilities
b. Poor academic performance
c. High incidents of accidents
d. Always fighting
3. Loss of government funds due to drug related operations, treatment
and rehabilitations is a drug effect to
b. school c. community d. family
a. self
4. A typical character or behavior, the basic personality or nature.
a. Family b. community
c. school
d. self
5. Long-term effect of depressants
a. slurred speech
b. nausea
c. poor coordination
d. mental disorder
6. Short-term effect of inhalants
a. delusions
b. memory loss
c. confusion
d. muscle cramps and weakness
7. An institution for educating children or people in which instruction is
given in a particular discipline.
a. family b. society
c. school d. community
8. Talkativeness, loss of appetite, headache and sleep disorders are some
short-term effects of
a. stimulants b. inhalants c. narcotics d. depressants
9. Effect of substance of use and abuse that last for a couple of days, hours
or even shorter periods.
a. short-term
b. abuse c, long-term d. all of these
10. Morphine and heroin are examples of
a. hallucinogens
c. stimulants
b. narcotics
d. inhalants​