16. What is the equivalent of 365 deciliters to decaliters?
a. 3.65
b. 36.5
c. 0.365
d. 0.0365
17. Convert 45.6 liters to milliliters.
a. 45600
b. 4560
C. 456
d. 4.56
18. Convert 98.76 square decimeters to square meters.
a. 0.9876 b. 9.876
C. 987.6
d. 9876
19. What is the equivalent of 288 square cm to square meters?
a. 0.0288
b. 0.00288
C. 2880
d. 28800
20.Convert 5 tons to pounds.
a. 10000
b. 1000
c. 100
d. 10
21. Translate the phrase " the sum of a number and five"
a. x/5​