what is M,stands for?​

Sagot :


M Male

M Middle

M Monthly

M 1000 (Roman numeral)

M Monsieur

M Meter (SI unit of length)

M Mega- (Million)

M Music

M Money

M Media

M Member

M Management

M Master

M Mean (arithmetic average; math; statistics)

M Machine

M Mouth

M Multi

M Materials

M Mike (Alabama Public Safety Radio Code)

M Million

M Medium

M Mission

M Manual

M Married (with spouse)

M Missing

M Modified

M Mass (as in E=mc^2)

M Museum

M Minor (IRB)

M US Marine Corps

M Marine (German)

M Module (abstract algebra, mathematical object)

M Metro (Washington DC public transit)

M Metro Toronto (postal code designation, Canada)

M Meta (benzene)

M Millennium

M Mint

M Magnetic

M Milwaukee (ammunition headstamp)

M Matrix Protein (virus protein)

M Manager (baseball)

M Mach (multiple of speed of sound)

M Manchester (postcode, United Kingdom)

M Mandatory

M Moderate Risk

M Military (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)

M Momentum

M Slope

M Motorsport (BMW)

M Medley

M Magenta

M Milli-

M Murderer (from the Movie M)

M Moment Magnitude

M Misdemeanor

M Unfounded (Alabama Public Safety Radio Code)

M Magnitude (Richter scale)

M Messier (Cataloguer of Stellar Objects)

M Munich (auto license plate)

M Mechanized

M Minesweeper (Navy vessel)

M Methionine (amino acid)

M micrometer

M Mucor (microbiology)

M Mycobacterium

M Marquess (British title of nobility)

M Metropolitano (Lisbon underground)

M Maintainability

M Natural Mortality (fisheries population dynamics)

M Multisource

M Mesial

M Molarity

M Mean Anomaly (astronomy)

M Multipara

M Multimission (US military aircraft modified mission symbol)

M Moderata Samlingspartiet (Swedish political party)

M Merchant Marine Reserve (US Navy)

M Mobility Ratio

M Mole/Molar

M Measured Ceiling (weather reports)

M Metroad (Australian road system)

M Mid-Course Update

M Mature Age 17+ (ESRB; game rating)

M Modifier Function Bit

M Myasistchev (Soviet aircraft designer)

M Objective C Implementation File (file extension)

M Motormännens Riksorganisation (Swedish automobile owners association)

M Manual Tuned NAVAID

M Chief of the British Secret Service, MI6 (in James Bond Films)

M US DoT tire speed rating (81 mph)

Step-by-step explanation:

Ganyan po ba?

M. Mean (arithmetic average; math; statistics)

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