1. The title of the play, “A Raisin in the Sun”, inspired a poem
A. by Langston Hughes.
B. during the Harlem Period.
C. Maya Angelou.
D. Lorraine Hansberry.
2. A conflict takes place in Act I when
A. Walter Lee struggles to keep his job as a chauffeur.
B. Walter Lee struggles with other family members over money.
C. Travis struggles to keep up his grades in school.
D. Mama struggles with Ruth for control of the household.
3. Walter would like to see his family's life change in many ways. More than
anything else, though, he wants to
A. send Travis to a private school.
B. own a liquor store with some friends.
C. own a dry-cleaning business, like Charlie Atkins.
D. buy Ruth nice things and live with her and Travis in a bigger house.
4. What does the liquor store symbolize in the play?
A. laziness
B. wasting money
C. Mama's anger​