It indicates that degree of freshness or coldness of a food or body of fish.​

Sagot :

he first sensory changes of fish during storage are concerned with appearance and texture. The characteristic taste of the species is normally developed the first couple of days during storage in ice.

The most dramatic change is onset of rigor mortis. Immediately after death the muscle is totally relaxed and the limp elastic texture usually persists for some hours, whereafter the muscle will contract. When it becomes hard and stiff the whole body becomes inflexible and the fish is in rigor mortis This condition usually lasts for a day or more and then rigor resolves. The resolution of rigor mortis makes the muscle relax again and it becomes limp, but no longer as elastic as before rigor. The rate in onset and resolution of rigor varies from species to species and is affected by temperature, handling, size and physical condition of the fish (Table 5.1).

The effect of temperature on rigor is not uniform. In the case of cod, high temperatures give a fast onset and a very strong rigor mortis. This should be avoided as strong rigor tensions may cause gaping, i.e., weakening of the connective tissue and rupture of the fillet.