Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. It measures the strength of abdominal muscles. a. 90° Push-Up b. Curl Ups c.Sit and Reach d. Zipper Test 2. The ratio of body fat to which of the following lean body mass, water and lean body mass, the muscles, connective tissue. a. Flexibility b. Body Composition c.Endurance d. Strength 3. It measures the strength of your arms. a. 90' Push-Up b. Curl Ups c. Sit and Reach d. Zipper Test 4. It is used to measure your Cardiovascular Endurance. a. Curl Ups b. Sit and Reach c. Zipper Test d. 3-Minute Step Test 5. The performance target for 90 Push-Up for boys whose age is 15 a. 20 b. 21 c. 22 d. 23