why do you think it is important to learn the various types of speech context?​

Sagot :

Speech Context

Speech context refers to how a person speaks in various situations. It specifies how a person should approach someone in a given situation. It consists of both intrapersonal and interpersonal communication.

Intrapersonal Speech

Intrapersonal communication is a type of speech context in which the speaker speaks to himself/herself and uses the mind as a channel of communication. When we talk to ourselves, we are engaging in this type of speech context.

Interpersonal Speech

Interpersonal communication is another type of speech context that occurs when two or more people exchange ideas or thoughts. For example, group study, class reporting, or It includes dyad communication, which involves two people, small group communication, which involves three to twelve people, public communication, which involves a large group with one speaker, and mass communication, which involves the use of media to communicate.

Importance of learning the different speech context:

  • It is critical to understand the various types of speech contexts because they will help us fully understand why we need to communicate with ourselves as well as with others and how we should act and respond in front of them. There are three types of speech contexts: interpersonal (one participant), intrapersonal (two or more participants), and public (conversation with a larger group).
  • The manner in which we deliver our speech or messages, from the words we say to how we say them, is dependent on the person speaking and the situational context. To communicate effectively, we must first understand with whom we are conversing. For example, it's strange to be formal in front of our mother, isn't it? As a result, communication can be expressed in a variety of ways, with varying outcomes. The speech style can be intimate, casual, consultative, formal, or frozen.

Learn the different speech styles: https://brainly.ph/question/383112
