Correct me! Write the correct form of the sentences below using the conventions of writing (CAPITALIZATION, CORRECT GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATIONS AND ETC).

1.sam first met pam while camping in tampa, florida.
2. pam invited sam to read a book called puppy partners with her.
3.pam's favorite part about puppy partners was a crazy character called petey the parakeet.
4. Well just as sure as the morning comes, she had taken the bait.
5. Bad Barb could not have made a lonelier sight when she galloped off alone.​

Sagot :

1. Sam and Pam first met while camping in Tampa, Florida.

2. Pam invited Sam to read a book titled Puppy Partners together. (?)

1.Sam met Pam at first while Camping in timpa, Florida.

2.Pam,invited Sam to read a book,and called a puppy Partners with her.

3.Pam's favorite, Part about a puppy parterns was a crazy character, called a Petey the Parakeet.

4.Well just as sure as the morning comes,she had taken the bait.

5.Bad barb could not have made, lonelier sight when she galloped.