which of the following demonstrate the importance of agility:

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Agility is the ability to move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control. It requires quick reflexes, coordination, balance, speed, and correct response to the changing situation.

When you are agile it means you are moving to the best position to take the next action, such as catching a ball or making a tackle. Agility ensures that your body and sports equipment are in the right position to take the next action effectively.1  

To be agile is to respond to what is going on around you and take that information in. This translates to how your body is positioned so you can effectively maintain balance and control.

You Can Easily Improve Your Balance With Fitness Tools and Exercise

Agility as a Key Component of Sports and Physical Activities

Agility is one of the key components of fitness and is valuable in many sports and physical activities.

Think of the sports where you have to use agility. In team sports such as football, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball and rugby you must quickly respond to movements of the other players and of the ball.

In tennis, handball, squash, table tennis and similar individual sports, you have to quickly respond to the position of the ball. In surfing, skiing and snowboarding you must be agile to respond to the changing conditions of the surface of the water and snow.

Best Agility Exercises for Athletes

Agility Tests

Shuttle runs are often done as an agility test as well as a drill to build sports agility.2     Markers are set up and you sprint from one marker to the other, do a quick turn and sprint back.

The U.S. Military Academy uses a shuttle run test.

The following agility tests are widely used in various professional sports and other training settings:

The 5-10-5 shuttle run, also known as the Short Shuttle Run or the Pro Agility Drill, is used by the National Football League. It is an advanced shuttle run test to build agility and power in players that incorporates lateral movements in the drill.

The Illinois Agility Run Test is often used by schools and law enforcement as a test of agility. It uses a running course and involves not only a shuttle run, but also weaving between four cones. Because it has been used for many years, there are norms and a grading system that can be applied.3

The SPARQ rating combines testing for speed, power, agility, reaction and quickness. It is sport-specific as well as a test for general athleticism. The general assessment tests include the agility shuttle 5-10-5 to measure agility.

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For sport-specific agility, they use a lane agility drill for basketball, a shuttle cross pick-up for hockey, and the arrowhead drill for soccer. The SPARQ rating is used by many sports training companies and certified SPARQ trainers.4  

Agility Drills for Athletes

There are also a variety of agility drills that can be used in different sports to develop speed and coordination.

Dot drills: These use an X-shaped pattern to jump from dot to dot with both feet at the same time. It is used for field and racket sports as well as skiing and basketball.5

Forward-backward sprints: Sprint forward to a cone, then jog backward to the start.

Lateral plyometric jumps: Jump from side to side.

Shuttle runs: Sprint from marker to marker with frequent changes in direction.

Tuck jumps: Jump straight up from a squat position and remain tucked at the top of the jump before extending your legs to land.

Speed ladder agility drills: Using a piece of equipment that looks like a ladder, run forward with high knees to improve foot speed for field sports, or run laterally to improve agility for court sports.
